Month: December 2022

Give Me The Knife

Disappointment is the poison chalice painting my lips
Emotional resonance bouncing off an empty vessel
Drained of tears
And blood
And life

Words fall from my mouth noiselessly
Distasteful ribbons of noise breaking through
Glass walls erected to silently witness
The toxic flow of her presence
Washing me away
A moat around my castle of sand
Sinking forever into the inescapable pull of entropy

The destruction of love
Is the inevitable end
The poison she has carelessly left on my lips
Has changed me in ways I can’t remake
Has killed me each day
I have had to wake
Has drained me of strength
And faith
Until nothing remains
But the pain
She gave me

Despair is too great
To bear
The line between love and hate
Is too thin to break
It just bleeds and blends until it’s too late
And I’m consumed by my rage

That laughing face
Haunts me
That moment that she walked away
His hand in my place
As she looked straight
As if I were not me
In her eyes
But an unwanted face
She was ashamed of
Watching her as she replaced
The memory that held me

How desperately
I tried to make
A moment that showed me
She cared
As she willfully
Destroyed me
To keep me

Pain is the only true thing
Scrape the surface to bring
My shame
To the light
For everyone to hate
To display

Grief wreaks havoc under the skin
Too deep within to reach
To be
Any more

Kaleidoscope of pain blinding the way
To escape
Hollowing all of the rest within
Decaying shell of what could have been
Dumb and foolishly digging down
To get to the light crowning
The end of the tunnel

I look past my own eyes
Asking, “why am I still alive?”
It would be so easy to die
To never say goodbye
And just disappear into the sky
In the middle of the night

How long would it take
For the smell to break
Before someone noticed the silence of my wake
How many weeks would it take
For anyone to notice my plate
Hadn’t been touched

One more day
They say
Just wait
One more day