Month: November 2016

Further Beyond the Fear Barrier

*Excerpt from the second part of a series of short stories, with the working title:


He perched finally on a large rock jutting out of the thrashing golden water, just off the beach. He tucked his wings tight against himself to shield from the chill wind. The altar stood deserted behind him, but he paid no mind to it, or to anything else. The hypnotic, breathing sea held his captivation. In the beginning he’d wanted to ascend Oblivion Hill and confront the mythical gates of the dream temple, but the very thought sparked a terror within that left him paralyzed. In the end the decision had been made for him, for he came to rest on that stone without even realizing where he’d been heading.


Beyond The Fear Barrier

*Excerpt from part one of a series of short stories, with the working title,

After Life

He sat stale and hard; his gaze transfixed on the empty white wall. His last movie screen. His projector ceased to turn – it’s parts run dry and stiff. No longer was there a shining light beaming from his lens eyes, projecting images before him.
The machine was cold and without content.

It was a peaceful enough departure. He’d been in a fantasy, a waking dream, and suddenly he just knew. The moment was upon him. Hazy, almost, and calm. He felt no panic, no fear – possibly because he had not the energy to spend on such a performance, even if he chose to.  Visions coursed through him, travelling beyond form, beyond reason – searching.


The cycle brought itself around full. His body slowly washed into cold numbness, and in a gradually fading light, his thoughts dimmed and all went white.


Tradition Stagnates Growth and Evolution

The typical opinion of what a relationship should be
seems to be a perverse,
self-serving ideal.

Most often,
from what I see around me,
they become quite horrible –
or quite horribly dull.

Expectation and promises ruin everything.

People don’t seem to be able to simply enjoy.
Loneliness seems to be what drives people.
Seek desperately,
only to suck dry what you find,
all the while hiding and lying.
No fun in that.

The sex gets boring fast, too.

I think true nature acts without questions,
no demands,
no expectations –
only the enjoyment of the company,
the experience –
or nothing.

pledges and promises
are the vain, possessive, manipulative methods of foolish,
frightened and sad,
lonely humans.

I know what I want from others,
and it has nothing to do with possession,
or a plea for help,
or even loneliness.

Relationships don’t cure loneliness –
not for me.
They give me sexual comfort and spiritual bonding,
but in the end,
I’m still my own vessel following my own path.

If you end up on the same path as me,
then perhaps,
we hang out while we’re moving in the same direction,
but we’re still on our own paths,
and if they change directions separately,
we part and take our own path,

or we compromise our peace and happiness.

I’m sure that monogamy does happen in a pure state sometimes.
Nothing is impossible.

People are infinitely different
in their pleasures and desires.
Some people can continue to grow from each others presence
and will feel no need for anyone else.
It happens – but it shouldn’t be a standard.

It doesn’t happen that often.