Month: February 2015


Open minded beyond the general notion
Of open
Exploring motion
And mixing potions
A mad dose of

Soft in a room full of lovely flesh
Languishing, lost
In breathing
Lost and leaving

The river floods me
Fills me beyond my limit
With trickery and flickering images
The black mirror we hold dear
Breaks me

Abyss (Self-Consciousness)

Your lips unfold before me
A wet mess
Wrapping yourself around me

I am soft in your mouth

Lost in my mind
I am somewhere else

Warm hands and warm tongue
Invite me with delicate whispers
Coax me out of my deep shadow

Longing to taste
To be torn open
Gushing warmth
To be thrown open
Wide and emptied
Of all that drowning noise
Brimming over the edge
Of tolerance

We look to each other
To wield the hammer
To bring us to to the brink
And push us when we back away

We look to each other
To be broken open
Revealed in the light

Cavernous are the hidden desires
Tied delicately with fear

Wanting to be undone
Thrust wide and hard
To penetrate the deepest places
And bust through the wall
That keeps us from true power

The certainty of confidence

You grip my hammer
With a sly smile
Soft swing to make it hard
Begging me to spread you wide
And break you open

You know I will…

Science! And Other Acts Of Violence

All things are chemical.

Composition in harmonious unification.
A fountain of perfect motion,
all the universe in exact reaction
to all elements of being.

It’s a huge party,
and everyone is cool,
dancing without effort,
liquefying bold and constant
in a singular movement,
a collective idea collected as one
and brought into action.

The massive result of combined reactions
acting individually,
driven by the same force,
the same need.

Life –
life and all things.

All things are chemical.

Introduce a new chemical to a composition.
(We do, in so many ways,
consciously sometimes, even.)

It breaks through familiar reactions,
changing patterns,
creating new,
forming new paths,
becoming…something else.

It feels so nice to be high.

To change the natural chemical balance
is to become something new –
something fundamentally different
from the original state.

How often,
how often?

Over a period of time,
the composition will develop,
evolve itself,
mostly on the basis of the introduction to new chemicals,
which creates reaction,
which creates new states of being
(even food evolves us – changes us) –

if we were wise and strong,
we would understand,
and use the gifts before us,
and suffer less…


people don’t get high to evolve…
people get high to fly…………

far, far away.

To abandon their natural state –
their thoughts,
their feelings,
their lives.


In a land of magic and madness and wonder.