
Abyss (Self-Consciousness)

Your lips unfold before me
A wet mess
Wrapping yourself around me

I am soft in your mouth

Lost in my mind
I am somewhere else

Warm hands and warm tongue
Invite me with delicate whispers
Coax me out of my deep shadow

Longing to taste
To be torn open
Gushing warmth
To be thrown open
Wide and emptied
Of all that drowning noise
Brimming over the edge
Of tolerance

We look to each other
To wield the hammer
To bring us to to the brink
And push us when we back away

We look to each other
To be broken open
Revealed in the light

Cavernous are the hidden desires
Tied delicately with fear

Wanting to be undone
Thrust wide and hard
To penetrate the deepest places
And bust through the wall
That keeps us from true power

The certainty of confidence

You grip my hammer
With a sly smile
Soft swing to make it hard
Begging me to spread you wide
And break you open

You know I will…